(2019年9月10日) [1][2][3][4]


The very first time I ever went on as an understudy was in Les Miserables. I understudied three different people in Les Mis, so it could have been standing in for any one of them at any given time. 

替补三个角色,除了小马还有谁?替补过大E吗?好像知道啊 😫!

It was my third day on the job, we had had a months rehearsal during which we learned our own basic show. The new cast had opened on the Monday and this was the Thursday. We hadn't had any understudy rehearsals at all. 


We were doing the Paris scene where the Thenardier gang and the students are introduced. The guy who was playing Marius stood at the back of the stage, pointed to his throat and made the signs which meant he couldn't sing. I was already on as a character called Montparnasse. A cat burglar type with Thenardier. So then the guy playing Enjolras, who walks on with Marius, came on early and grabbed my arm just as the actor who was playing Marius disappeared off stage. He said "It's you!" 

难道他是穿着Montparnasse的戏装唱小马的?好想看卡特被大E抓出去换角色 😂。真可惜当年要TL难度太高 (TP更别指望了…… 😔) 

I hadn't had a music call, or a note bashing session where you learn the piece. I just did the show that night. I don't remember any of it. Luckily I had studied the part before hand but had not had any rehearsal. Once I had done that I was trapped understudying for a good ten years.


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